Korean War Veterans AdVocates of Canada

Non Profit Organization

Mission Statement

Honour.  Remember.  advocate.  educate.  preserve

1.  To help advocate and support for the rights and well-being of Korean War Veterans and their family members.

2. To help commemorate the Korean War each July 27th on the Korean War Veterans Day and November 11th Remembrance Day and the Battle of Kapyong/Gapyeong.

3. To help honour and remember the 516 fallen Canadians who made the supreme sacrifice during the Korean War.

4. To help preserve the Korean War Veterans stories, their photos during the Korean War 1950-1953 and the UN Peace Keeping mission.

5. To help educate students and the general public about the Korean War history and the Korean War Veterans legacy.

6. To help organize the Korean War Veterans Appreciation Luncheons for the Korean War Veterans and their family members.

7. To help liaison with the Korean Embassy and Korean Consulate General offices, Veterans Affairs Canada and The Royal Canadian Legion to help provide various government support for commemorative events and information for the Korean War Veterans and their family members.




Major(Ret’d) Don Kennedy and HooJung Jones-Kennedy

Co-Founders of Korean War Veterans Advocates of Canada

Korean War National Wall of Remembrance





Korean War Veterans Advocates of Canada Logo





© Korean War Veterans Advocates of Canada