“Korean War Veterans School Visit”

“Memory Project” and Lectures


HooJung Jones and Tom Somers created “KVA Unit 26 School Visit” in 2003

Raised the funds for school visit (Secondary Schools in Hamilton and areas)

Invited Korean War Veterans to schools and building a strong partnership with history teachers.

Helped to educate over 100,000 students, cadets and the general public  about the Korean War 



Previous Memory Project Event



WWII, Korean War Veteran, Hon. Senator Yonah Martin


HooJung Jones with Lisa Raitt, Minister 


Hon. Senator Yonah Martin, Doug Finney, Korean War Veteran


WWII Veterans and Korean War Veterans with Dignitaries


HooJung Jones, James Moore, Minister of Canadian Heritage


HooJung Jones, Stella Park, Korean War Veterans

Morley Balinson, Sung Kyun Park, Ken Griffith,

with Drew Barry, Dr. Alex Heard, Memory Project






© Korean War Veterans Advocates of Canada