Dear Sponsors,

Thank you for your consideration to honour Korean War Veterans.
In 2023, we will be commemorating the “70th Anniversary of the Korean War Armistice and 60th Anniversary of Canada-Korea Diplomatic Relations”. Please see the various levels of sponsorship that you or your company able to choose from to support our “70th Anniversary of the Korean War Armistice Commemorative Projects” .

For over 22 years, we have volunteered (over 40,000 volunteer hours) to honour Korean War Veterans with many projects and events working with all levels of governments, dedicated volunteers and advocates.
Our mission is to honour and remember Korean War Veterans, educate youth, the general public and preserve Veterans’ stories and photos for the next generations.

To date, we have collected over 20,000 Korean War photos, published a book to donate, helped to erect several Korean War monuments and organized “Korean War Veterans Appreciation Luncheons” annually.

Your sponsorship will help us to organize the “Legacy of Korean War Veterans Projects” in multiple cities to educate about the Korean War and honour Korean War Veterans with the Veterans Appreciation luncheons.
If you have any questions, please email or call 905.769.0486.

Thank you very much for your support.



HooJung Jones-Kennedy and Major(Ret’d) Don Kennedy

Co-Chairs of Korean War Veterans Advocates of Canada


Major (Ret’d) Don Kennedy and HooJung Jones Kennedy




“Legacy of the Korean War Veterans” Project Mission
Honour, Remember, Advocate, Educate, Preserve


We helped to organize various Korean War Commemorative projects since 2000 with our commemorative partners.


1. “Canadian Our Heroes 1950 -1953 Korean War” Book
Over 1,000 books were donated to Korean War Veterans, schools, libraries in Hamilton.

2. “Korean War Education School Visit”
Over 100,000 students learned about the Korean War

3. Korean War Veterans Appreciation Luncheon”
Organized over 21 years at various venues

4. “Ambassador for Peace Medal” Presentation
Over 220 Ambassador for Peace Medals presented in Canada and U.S.

5. “Korean War Photo Exhibitions”
Over 20,000 Korean War Photographs in the digital collection (Canada and U.S.)

6. “Korean War Monuments and plaques”

1. “Korean War Memorial” at Ancaster, 2003

2. “Royal Canadian Navy Korean War Plaque” at HMCS Haida 2010

3. “Royal Canadian Navy Korean War Monument” at Burlington 2014

4. “Korean War Kapyong/Gapyeong Battle Monument” at Brampton 2021

5. “Korean War Gapyeong Battle Victory Monument” at Niagara Fall, 2022



“Sponsorship Levels”


Platinum $5,000

● Your or your company name will be listed in the event banner, program and website

● Full page advertisement of your company.

● 10 guests are invited to various commemorative events.

● You or your company will receive an “Honourary Life membership” 

of the Korean War Veterans Advocates of Canada.


Gold $2,000

You or Your company name will be listed in the event program and website.

● ½ page advertisement of your company.

● 5 guests are invited to our commemorative events.

● You or your company receive an “Honourary Life membership”

of the Korean War Veterans Advocates of Canada


Silver $1,000

You or your company name will be listed in the event program and website.

● ¼ page of advertisement of your company.

● You and a guest invited to our commemorative events.

You or your company will receive an “Honourary Life membership”
of the Korean War Veterans Advocates of Canada


Bronze $500

● You or Your company name will be listed in the event program and website.

● Business card size advertisement of your company.

● You will be invited to our commemorative events.


Advocates $100

● You or Your company name will be listed in the event program and website.

You will be invited to our commemorative event.


Please contact HooJung Jones Kennedy, President for sponsorship and advertisement in the event program. Tel:905.769.0486


Your generous donation will help with various commemorative projects to
honor and remember the legacy of the Korean War Veterans.


Please make a cheque payable to : Korean War Veterans Advocates of Canada

mail to:

Korean War Veterans Advocates of Canada
15 Avonmore Court
Hamilton, ON


Thank you very much for all your support.




© Korean War Veterans Advocates of Canada